JK Findings Loose Stone Catalog

LOOSE STONE CATALOG EXPECT EXCELLENCE Quality • Selection • Service • Price (Incorporated in the U.S.A. with Limited Liability). March • 2025

CONTACT US JK Findings USA Headquarters 1500 Brighton-Henrietta Tl Road Rochester, NY 14623 Tel: 585.292.0770 Toll Free: 800.338.6157 Fax: 585.292.0774 Toll Free Fax: 800.785.1734 JK Findings Hong Kong Office JK Findings, Room A2, 5th Floor Summit Building No. 30 Man Yue Street Hung Hom, Kowloon HK Tel: 852.2723.9148 FAX: 852.2422.5231 www.jkfindings.com info@jkfindings.com CUBIC ZIRCONIA 1 CUBIC ZIRCONIA-------------------------- 1 AAQUALITY|ROUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 AAAQUALITY|ROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 AAA QUALITY | 2.0MM ROUND . . . . . . . . . 1 AAA QUALITY | 3.0MM ROUND . . . . . . . . . 1 AAA QUALITY | 4.0MM ROUND . . . . . . . . . 1 AAA QUALITY | 5.0MM ROUND . . . . . . . . . 1 AAA QUALITY | 6.0MM ROUND . . . . . . . . . 2 AAA QUALITY | 4.0MM DOUBLE SIDED CHECKERBOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AAA QUALITY | 6.0MM DOUBLE SIDED CHECKERBOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AAA QUALITY | 8.0MM DOUBLE SIDED CHECKERBOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AAAAQUALITY|ROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 FACETED BLACK ONYX 3 CRYSTAL BEADS 3 DIAMONDS 4 PEARLS 4 STONE CUT GUIDE 5 GENERAL INFORMATION 6

March • 2025 1 Loose Stones „„ CUBIC ZIRCONIA ITEM # DESC. WEIGHT MOQ 9900620 1.24 per 100p 2.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900630 4.06 per 100p 3.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640 9.01 per 100p 4.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900650 17.33 per 100p 5.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 1000 EACH ITEM # DESC. WEIGHT MOQ 9900660 29.18 per 100p 6.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900680 66.93 per 100p 8.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900540 8.71 per 100p 4.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 2000 EACH 9900550 17.87g per 100p 5.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 1000 EACH 9900560 29.64 per 100p 6.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 500 EACH 9900580 68.82 per 100p 8.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 300 EACH 9900530 3.92 per 100p 3.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 2000 EACH 9900520 1.37g per 100p 2.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 3000 EACH 9900525 2.43g per 100p 2.5mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 3000 EACH Machine-Cut Cubic Zirconia A Rating System Machine cut CZ stones are graded from the lowest quality (A), to the highest quality (AAAAA). JK Findings offers CZ stones in AA, AAA and AAAA grades. Higher grade CZ stones radiate remarkable brilliance, fire and sparkle and are harder than lower grade stones. **Must order in multiples of MOQ** AA Quality | Round AAA Quality | Round ITEM # DESC. WEIGHT MOQ ITEM # DESC. WEIGHT MOQ 9900630M11 3.63 per 100p 3.0mm Round Champagne CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M12 3.53 per 100p 3.0mm Round Swiss Blue CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M2 3.92 per 100p 3.0mm Round Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M3 3.61 per 100p 3.0mm Round Aquamarine CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M9 3.64 per 100p 3.0mm Round Aqua Blue Dark CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M5 3.55 per 100p 3.0mm Round Green CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M6 4.04 per 100p 3.0mm Round Light Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M7 4.03 per 100p 3.0mm Round Ruby CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M8 4.13 per 100p 3.0mm Round Lime CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M1 4.23 per 100p 3.0mm Round Garnet CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630B 3.89 per 100p 3.0mm Round Black CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900630M10 4.04 per 100p 3.0mm Round Pink CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH AAA Quality | 2.0mm Round 9900570 46.39 per 100p 7.0mm Round White CZ AA-Quality 500 EACH 9900670 47.69 per 100p 7.0mm Round White CZ 3A-Quality 1000 EACH ITEM# DESC. WEIGHT MOQ ITEM# DESC. WEIGHT MOQ 9900620B 1.32 per 100p 2.0mm Round Black CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M1 1.22 per 100p 2.0mm Round Garnet CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M2 1.22 per 100p 2.0mm Round Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M3 1.14 per 100p 2.0mm Round Aquamarine CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M5 1.23 per 100p 2.0mm Round Green CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M6 1.22 per 100p 2.0mm Round Light Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M7 1.24 per 100p 2.0mm Round Ruby CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M8 1.25 per 100p 2.0mm Round Lime CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M9 1.2 per 100p 2.0mm Round Aqua Blue Dark CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M10 1.29 per 100p 2.0mm Round Pink CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M11 1.17 per 100p 2.0mm Round Champagne CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900620M12 1.09 per 100p 2.0mm Round Swiss Blue CZ 3A-Quality 2000 EACH AAA Quality | 3.0mm Round 9900640M9 8.56 per 100p 4.0mm Round Aqua Blue Dark CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M10 9.24 per 100p 4.0mm Round Pink CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M8 8.92 per 100p 4.0mm Round Lime CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M11 9.24 per 100p 4.0mm Round Champagne CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M6 8.92 per 100p 4.0mm Round Light Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M7 9.03 per 100p 4.0mm Round Ruby CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M12 8.29 per 100p 4.0mm Round Swiss Blue CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900650M10 16.35 per 100p 5.0mm Round Pink CZ 3A-Quality 3000 EACH 9900640M2 9.04 per 100p 4.0mm Round Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640B 9.09 per 100p 4.0mm Round Black CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M5 8.58 per 100p 4.0mm Round Green CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M1 9.17 per 100p 4.0mm Round Garnet CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH 9900640M3 8.09 per 100p 4.0mm Round Aquamarine CZ 3A-Quality 500 EACH ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT AAA Quality | 4.0mm Round AAA Quality | 5.0mm Round

March • 2025 2 Loose Stones „„ CUBIC ZIRCONIA 9900660M10 30.7 per 100p 6.0mm Round Pink CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M1 28.69 per 100p 6.0mm Round Garnet CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M5 27.66 per 100p 6.0mm Round Green CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M11 28.65 per 100p 6.0mm Round Champagne CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M9 27.57 per 100p 6.0mm Round Aqua Blue Dark CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660B 28.14 per 100p 6.0mm Round Black CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M2 29.45 per 100p 6.0mm Round Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M8 28.09 per 100p 6.0mm Round Lime CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M3 26.75 per 100p 6.0mm Round Aquamarine CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M6 29.32 per 100p 6.0mm Round Light Amethyst CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M7 28.47 per 100p 6.0mm Round Ruby CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900660M12 27.36 per 100p 6.0mm Round Swiss Blue CZ 3A-Quality 400 EACH 9900860 32.56 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB White 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M2 31.18 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Amethyst 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900840 8.98 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB White 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M2 9.55 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Amethyst 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840B 9.41 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Black 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M11 9.75 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Champagne 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900860M1 31.32 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Garnet 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900840M10 9.41 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Pink 3A CZ 250 EACH AAA Quality | 4.0mm Double Sided Checkerboard 9900840M8 10.06 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Lime 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M1 9.07 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Garnet 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M12 9.3 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Swiss Blue 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M9 8.92 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Aqua Blue 3A CZ 250 EACH ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT AAA Quality | 6.0mm Round AAA Quality | 6.0mm Double Sided Checkerboard 9900860M3 30.82 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Aquamarine 3A CZ 200 EACH ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT 9900860M6 29.93 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Light Amethyst 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M8 33.45 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Lime 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M9 30.6 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Aqua Blue 3A CZ 200 EACH ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT 9900860M10 31.89 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Pink 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M12 31.86 per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Swiss Blue 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900840M6 8.9 per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Light Amethyst 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900880M10 73.77g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Pink 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M2 74.05 per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Amethyst 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880B 72.14 per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Black 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M11 66.62g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Champagne 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M1 73.26 per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Garnet 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M3 59.34 per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Aquamarine 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M5 71.73g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Green 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M6 75.27g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Light Amethyst 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M7 76.45g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Ruby 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M8 78.76g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Lime 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900880M9 59.95g per 100p 8.0mm DSCB Aqua Blue 3A CZ 120 EACH ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT AAA Quality | 8.0mm Double Sided Checkerboard 9900880 70.69 per 100p 8.0mm DSCB White 3A CZ 120 EACH 9900860B 31.8g per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Black 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M5 30.98g per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Green 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M7 30.33g per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Ruby 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900860M11 31.08g per 100p 6.0mm DSCB Champagne 3A CZ 200 EACH 9900840M3 10.45g per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Aquamarine 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M5 9.41g per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Green 3A CZ 250 EACH 9900840M7 9.19g per 100p 4.0mm DSCB Ruby 3A CZ 250 EACH

March • 2025 3 Loose Stones AAAA Quality | Round ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT ITEM# DESC. MOQ WEIGHT 9900720 1.22g per 100p 2.0mm Round White CZ 4A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900725 2.36g per 100p 2.5mm Round White CZ 4A-Quality 2000 EACH 9900730 3.88g per 100p 3.0mm Round White CZ 4A-Quality 1500 EACH 9900740 9.03g per 100p 4.0mm Round White CZ 5A-Quality 500 EACH 9900750 17.14g per 100p 5.0mm Round White CZ 4A-Quality 1000 EACH 9900760 30.82g per 100p 6.0mm Round White CZ 4A-Quality 300 EACH 9900780 68g per 100p 8.0mm Round White CZ 4A-Quality 500 EACH „„ CUBIC ZIRCONIA „„ FACETED BLACK ONYX ITEM# DESC. „„ CRYSTAL BEADS ITEM# DESC. MOQ MOQ MOQ MOQ ITEM# DESC. ITEM# DESC. 6.0mm Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110 50 EACH (Pre-Pack) 6.0mm Amethyst Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110A 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 6.0mm Jet Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110J 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 6.0mm Lt. Sapphire Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110LS 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 6.0mm Peridot Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110P 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 6.0mm Light Rose Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110R 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 6.0mm Light Siam Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900110S 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 8.0mm Light Siam Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900111S 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 8.0mm Light Rose Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900111R 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 8.0mm Peridot Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900111P 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 8.0mm Lt Sapphire Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900111LS 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 8.0mm Amethyst Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900111A 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 8.0mm Crystal Bead 1.0mm Hole 9900111 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Amethyst Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105A 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Jet Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105J 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Lt Sapphire Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105LS 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Peridot Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105P 30 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Light Rose Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105R 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 10.0mm Light Siam Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900105S 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Light Siam Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106S 20 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Light Rose Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106R 20 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Peridot Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106P 20 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Lt Sapphire Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106LS 20 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Jet Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106J 300 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Amethyst Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106A 20 EACH (Pre-Pack) 12.0mm Crystal Bead 1.2mm Hole 9900106 500 EACH (Pre-Pack) 99010FBOH18 69.5g per 100p 10.0mm Faceted Black Onyx Bead 1.8mm Hole 40 EACH

March • 2025 4 Loose Stones Hearts and Arrows JK Findings AAAA-rated cubic zirconia stones are precision-cut to ideal proportions with good optical symmetry, polish and a specific faceting pattern. When viewed through a scope, a Hearts & Arrows CZ will reveal a pattern of eight symmetrical arrows from the top (crown) and eight symmetrical hearts from the bottom (pavilion). *2.0-3.0mm stones come packaged in bags and 4.0mm and larger come packaged in trays* „„ DIAMONDS „„ PEARLS ITEM # DESC. MOQ ITEM # DESC. MOQ 2.0mm (.03ct) SI1 DEF HPHT Lab Grown Diamond 98002D 6 EACH 7.0-8.0mm White Potato Pearl W/ 1.2mm Hole P0141H12 120 EACH 8.0-9.0mm White Potato Pearl W/ 1.2mm Hole P0154H12 150 EACH P0178H18 10.0mm White Potato Pearl 1.8mm Hole 100 EACH P0178NH18 10.0mm Natural Potato Pearl 1.8mm Hole 100 EACH

March • 2025 5 Loose Stones Additional shapes, cuts and sizes are available by special order for Cubic Zirconias. Please contact your Sales Representative for more information.

WWW.JKFINDINGS.COM JK FINDINGS BLOG FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE LINKEDIN JK Findings USA Headquarters 1500 Brighton-Henrietta TL Road Rochester, NY 14623 TEL 585.292.0770 TOLL FREE 800.338.6157 FAX 585.292.0774 TOLL FREE 800.785.1734 JK Findings Hong Kong Office JK Findings, Room A2, 5th Floor Summit Building No. 30 Man Yue Street Hung Hom, Kowloon HK TEL 852.2723.9148 FAX 852.2422.5231 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION CONNECT WITH JK FINDINGS No portion of this document may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of JK Findings. Terms Domestic Accounts: Net 30 days for approved accounts, COD or In Advance for all other accounts. No shipments made to accounts past due International Accounts: Deposit required with order, full payment required prior to shipment Pricing • Prices are subject to change without notice • Prices are calculated using a base price and increment and at the markets on the date of shipment • Gold fixing – PM London Fix + 2.5% surcharge • Silver fixing – London Fix + 5.5% surcharge • Platinum fixing – PM London Fix + 2% surcharge Orders Minimum Order – MOQ as listed per item and USD $250.00 per order. Returns • No claims allowed after 5 days from date of receipt. • No returns accepted without return authorization (RA) number, after 30 days from invoice date, on special orders or customer trademarked items. • To receive a return authorization (RA) number, send an email to info@jkfindings.com and include your invoice number and reason for return. • Full refunds are only offered due to manufacturing defects. All other returns due to customer order error / cancellation are subject to a 10% restocking fee. NSI – Non-Stock Item • NSI’s are special order only and will require a deposit at time of order; order cannot be cancelled once production has started • JK reserves the right to ship + / - 10% on all special ordered items • Trade marking is available on many items. Stamp fee is required at time of order Leather Our leather undergoes a hand-dying process. Color may vary slightly from shipment to shipment. Finishing AT = Anti-Tarnish Treatment, JK Findings has in-house Anti-Tarnish finishing SPAT = Fine Silver Plated & Anti-Tarnish Treatment GP = Flash Gold Plated RGP = Flash Rose Gold Plated RH = Rhodium Plated, available on most white gold items. Weights The gram weights listed in the catalog are averages and may fluctuate ± 5 Trademark The JK Findings mark consists of two dots that look like a colon “:” and is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Children’s Jewelry Statement Jewelry supplies in this catalog are for adult (13 years of age or older) use only and are not intended for use by children. Some of our products may contain small pieces which could be harmful to children if swallowed. Customers are solely responsible for adherence to state and federal laws on testing, disclosure and product labeling on goods for resale. Magnet Health Warning Contains small magnets. For adult use only (13 years of age and older). Keep away from children. All magnetic clasps are sold as a component intended to be permanently affixed to a finished jewelry chain or other strand. Swallowed or inhaled magnets can attract through and squeeze intestines or other body tissue, causing serious injury or death. Seek immediate medical attention if swallowed or inhaled. Magnetic fields can affect the function of pacemakers or other implanted electronic medical devices.